Howard Leib is an intellectual property and entertainment attorney and consultant in both New York City and Ithaca, New York, with specialties in entertainment, corporate, trademark and copyright law, including litigation. He also is an adjunct professor of law at Cornell University. Leib also has taught entertainment law at New York University and business law at Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. (See more of his biography at Cornell University.)

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The American Society of News Editors concerns itself with issues of importance to newspaper editors and journalism in general, including First Amendment issues.

Archibald Cox

Archibald Cox is best known for his role as special prosecutor in the Watergate investigation, but his career also involved a number of First Amendment issues.


Hair, a musical, sparked First Amendment controversy with its obscene content. The original production was a harbinger of the changes taking place in American culture.

Howard Stern

Howard Stern, one of the most controversial radio personalities, consistently pushing the boundaries of First Amendment free expression rights on public airwaves.

Lee C. Bollinger

Lee C. Bollinger, a legal scholar of the First Amendment, is an advocate for tolerance theory, which argues that broad acceptance for expression will increase diversity of ideas.

National Broadcasting Co. v. United States (1943)

National Broadcasting Co. v. United States (1943) upheld FCC content-based regulations on broadcast media, finding they did not violate First Amendment free speech rights.

Oh! Calcutta!

Oh! Calcutta!, the first Broadway show to display full frontal nudity, opened in 1969. The play inflamed some public officials, leading to censorship and First Amendment arguments.

Times Square

The history of Times Square, known for its crowded streets and tourists, reflects the momentous changes of the past century, including battles over First Amendment freedoms.