Home » News » Pulitzer Board grants special citation to Afghan journalists

By The Associated Press, published on August 31, 2021

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Taliban officials are interviewed by journalists inside Hamid Karzai International Airport after the U.S. withdrawal in Kabul, Afghanistan, Aug. 31, 2021. The Taliban were in full control of Kabul's international airport after the last U.S. plane left its runway, marking the end of America's longest war. (AP Photo/Kathy Gannon)

NEW YORK (AP) — The Pulitzer Prize Board has announced a special citation for people in Afghanistan who risked their safety to help produce news stories and images from their war-torn country.

“From staff and freelance correspondents to interpreters to drivers to hosts, courageous Afghan residents helped produce Pulitzer-winning and Pulitzer-worthy images and stories that have contributed to a wider understanding of profoundly tragic and complicated circumstances,” the board said Aug. 27.

The citation comes with a $100,000 emergency relief grant intended to help men and women involved in journalism in Afghanistan either resettle or to continue their work safely.

The Western pullout and the swift Taliban takeover of Afghanistan have left thousands of people, including journalists, fearing retribution under the new regime. All U.S. and NATO forces are now out of Afghanistan.

The Pulitzer Board’s citation came a day after a suicide attack at the Kabul airport killed well over 100 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members.

“It’s critical in a moment of stark threat to support those Afghans whose bravery, skill, and commitment to the ideals of a free press have helped create so much important journalism in recent decades,” said board co-chairs Katherine Boo, Gail Collins and John Daniszewski.

The grant will be administered by the not-for-profit Committee to Protect Journalists.

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