Home » News » News coverage roundup: Trump Twitter challenge

By Deborah Fisher, published on March 9, 2018

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A federal judge in New York on Thursday suggested that a case challenging President Donald Trump’s decision to block Twitter users from his account could be settled if he decided to mute them instead.

U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald also asked several questions related to whether the president’s twitter account operated as a public forum, which is the main argument by several twitter users who sued the president on First Amendment grounds.

Here’s a roundup from several news reporters who covered the oral arguments:

In downtown New York, a First Amendment fight over Trump’s tweets (By John Allsop, Columbia Journalism Review)

Judge to Trump: Muting, not blocking followers, may end suit (By Larry Newmeister, Associated Press)

Judge Floats Idea to Settle @realDonaldTrump Twitter Blocking Case (By John Herrman, The New York Times)

Why Not Mute Your Twitter Critics, Judge Asks Trump (By Adam Klasfeld, Courthouse News Service)


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