Brandi M. Snow is a defense attorney at the Fresno County Public Defender’s Office in California. Her skills focus on hearings, trials, appeals, administrative law and adult education.

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Freedom of Information Act of 1966 (1966)

The Freedom of Information Act was adopted on the principle that government should be transparent. Citizens can hold government accountable through First Amendment freedoms

Government in the Sunshine Act (1976)

The Government in the Sunshine Act requires meetings of bodies that govern federal agencies to be open unless they fall under 10 exceptions in the law.

Hill v. Colorado (2000)

Hill v. Colorado (2000) said a state statute regulating protestors outside of health facilities did not violate the First Amendment and was not content based.


A SLAPP suit is a civil claimed filed against an individual or organization for exercising their First Amendment right of petition about an issue of public concern.