Ronald Steiner oversees the master’s of law program at Chapman University Fowler School of Law. He has served as a clerk for Judge Ferdinand F. Fernandez of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and as an extern for Justice Miriam Vogel of the California Court of Appeal. He worked for several years with the major international law firm of Sidley Austin, handing appellate and law-intensive litigation, including telecommunications regulatory proceedings before the FCC. In addition, he served in 1999 and 2000 as Deputy Counsel on the California Governor’s Blue Ribbon Advisory Panel on Hate Groups. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Lafayette College; a master’s degree from University of Delaware; a juris doctrate degree from the University of Southern California Law School; and a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Minnesota. See more on his biography page at Chapman University.

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Community Standards

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